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Dual use - Safety for the future

Autonomy and robotics for defence applications

We can contribute to defence operations with our navigation technology and robotic perception systems. Positioning a vehicle, autonomous system or an individual without relying on GPS signals is quite challenging, but we make it possible. 

Real-time sensor fusion

The heart of our technology is the SentiBoard. Combined with our SentiUtils software and SentiConnect, we offer an unparalleled sensor fusion solution. All autonomous systems need sensors to operate, and a lot of them. To make robots execute tasks quickly or make object detection accurate, the data from multiple sensors needs to be wisely fused. When this fusing of sensor data can be done in real time, we are delivering an efficient, more reliable and precise autonomous system.

Our solution for the defence industry


The future of defence


Precise and reliable positioning 

Vehicles, objects, vessels or people. We enable position data to be reliable and accurate making it possible to make informed decisions. 

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Reliable Navigation without GPS  

In environments where GPS availability varies, our solutions offer reliable navigation alternatives, ensuring uninterrupted operations regardless of GPS signal strength. 

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Situational awarness 

A clear "picture" and understanding of what is happening in the surrounding environment of robots are crucial for an autonomous system's ability to make informed decisions. 

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Sensor voting and surveillance

With Senti inside an autonomous system, voting between sensors and constant "health checks" makes sure that the system is functional. 

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